Tag: BreizhCamp

BreizhCamp agenda

To answer my friend Guillaume Collic, here is the powershell version of his script to view the BreizhCamp agenda ! $Output = @() (Invoke-RestMethod http://www.breizhcamp.org/json/talks.json) | % { $props = [ordered]@{“Titre”=$_.title; “Speakers”= $_.speaker + ” ” + $_.cospeaker; “Track”=$_.track; “Format”=$_.format; “Description”=$_.description } $Output += New-Object -TypeName PSCUstomObject -Property $props } $Output | Sort-Object Format,Track |…

BreizhCamp 21/22/23 May 2014

Hello, This year, the famous BreizhCamp will take place the 21, 22 and 23 of May on the Rennes 1 University Campus. During the 3 days, you will acces discoveries and brainstorming (mainly) for devs. This year, in addition to the Hacker-Space (21 May), you can  attend to a PowerShell “Tools in action” session (Full…