Tag: Docker

Retour du Microsoft Cloud Summit [FR]

WOW !! Impossible de trouver autre chose pour décrire ces jours passés au Microsoft Cloud Summit. De mémoire d’informaticien je n’avais jamais vu/suivi une conférence aussi importante sur des technologies Microsoft (mais pas que) sur le sol français organisée par non pas une mais des communautés. Des chiffres impressionnants, 900 participants, 7 tracks en parallèle,…

How to create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure in minutes !

If sometimes you’ve asked yourself how are containers platforms are built in Azure PaaS solution like ACS (Azure Container Service) here is a tool you want to take a look at ! The name of this tools is acs-engine ! [su_quote url=”https://github.com/Azure/acs-engine”]The Azure Container Service Engine (acs-engine) generates ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates for Docker…

How to create a Docker Datacenter on Microsoft Azure

  During the last Dockercon, a new product was shipped to public: Docker Datacenter. Let’s discover this product and initialize a datacenter. You can get a one month trial here. So what is Docker Datacenter ? What is the best way to explain Docker Datacenter ? Docker web site… [su_quote cite=”Docker web site” url=”http://www.docker.com/products/docker-datacenter”] Fastest…

First steps with Azure Container Services

  Few weeks ago, Microsoft has released a new PaaS fonctionnality, which is not really a PaaS but a hybrid IaaS where you don’t own anything but you’ve got some freedom. let’s take a look at it. First of all, go to your Azure tenant and search the marketplace for “Azure Container Service” After that,…

Why I love to work with the Microsoft products stack?

  It’s something I’d always loved to do, I mean the Microsoft universe is truly vast and I’ve always find new stuff to learn every time. But I’ve always missed something. I’m working in cross platform environments and I’ve got to say that Linux is perfect in a professional world thanks to the efficiency of…